High class sensory experience
Give your dog the unique and irresistible taste of meat and you will smell its pleasant notes, too.
Palatability and food safety
It is an ethical commitment not to resort to harmful tricks in order to maximize the palatability at the expenses of the dog’s health. The products of this range stand out for their very high palatability but without resorting to artificial flavours. The tasteful notes released by the kibbles are generated by the combination of the ingredients and by the preparation method developed in Gheda petfood “kitchens”.
The concept of First Class
The nutritional profile is “first class” because it is above the average of the pet food products on the market, both nutritionally and physiologically speaking. This first-class concept is based on recognizable elements, and they are: 1st ingredient animal proteins, characterized by a selected species; presence of white sorghum, as an alternative cereal; specific nutritional elements for the pet’s physiology.
Physiology for all sizes
The super-premium Unica Classe Nutri-Size products respond to the specific nutritional needs of each size.
Each dog has peculiar physiological characteristics and therefore each product has a specialized nutritional intake,
according to its needs or its specific size.
Mini-sized dogs are characterized by high vitality and increased metabolic rate and therefore they have higher caloric needs in order to maintain their muscle tone high. This kind of dogs are the most prone to the formation of tartar due to their particular dental conformation. Reinforce levels of fats and proteins, in order to comply with their high vitality and keep their muscle tone high. Thanks to the content of minerals the tartar mineralization will be hindered.
Medium-sized dogs are balanced and have a regular calorie consumption, more susceptible to variations according to the level of activity and therefore weight maintenance is important for them. They spend most of their time outside and it is essential to preserve their immune defences from environmental stress. Offer them the right nutritional balance to maintain their lean muscle mass in relation to the activity performed. Thanks to antioxidant vitamins and selenium it will also be possible to promote their natural defences.
Large breed dogs have an anabolic metabolism, which results in lower caloric requirements and therefore it is essential to prevent their body weight gain. Furthermore, due to their large size, they have stressed joints. They have frequent cardiac predispositions especially in some specific breeds. Prevent the body weight gain by controlling the fat intake.Thanks to condro-protectors and taurine and in absence of specific pathologies, it will be possible to keep joints and heart healthy.
Specialization according to living conditions
Adapting to living conditions means to consider the needs of the dog, according to the different physiological states, throughout its life: from growth phase to adulthood and senior age and this requires special attention. In addition, the products must be balanced according to the performed dog’s physical activity.
During the growth phase it is essential that all puppies regardless their size, receive the necessary nutrition for the correct development of all the physiological organic functions and for the suitable maturation of their physical structure.
Once reached adulthood, for a dog without special needs related to physical activity, it is important that it maintains a constant body mass and a high muscle tone, thanks to the correct balance of its diet.
Extremely active adult dogs, generally have increased nutritional requirements to maintain high sport performances. This requires a reinforced supply of specific nutrients to promote physical endurance and muscle work.
Adult or senior dogs may require an ad-hoc nutritional response during their lives. For example during the senescence phase dogs have the tendency to accumulate excess body weight linked to several factors.
…also for snacks
Following the same concept of condition specialization, the physiological snacks range for dogs provides a targeted response to their daily needs, from oral care to teeth cleaning and to training.
It is important to protect the teeth health and this is possible thanks to a daily prevention, which can be carried out by the chelating whitening anti-tartar minerals contained in nutritious snacks.
Nothing is more natural than promoting teeth cleaning through prolonged chewing, promoted by tasty bone-shaped snacks, having a durable consistency and a compact texture.
A proper training consists of a multiple daily activities able to strengthen the relationship between dog and the owner, by using tasty snacks as a reward.
Your lifestyle following all steps of your dog
The real innovation in this range of products lies in the utmost attention paid to the habits and lifestyle
of your four-legged friend, as you always want it to be by your side.
6 different lifestyles redefining the perspective of physiological nutrition for dogs.
Growth leads to a greater need for high quality proteins and high energy density fats. Calcium must be in the right balance with phosphorus for proper mineralization of bones and teeth. Vitamin A, B1 and B6 support the brain activity and normal vision development.
Normal physiological activities require iodine and vitamin B6, which are the basis of metabolism. Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones, which are important regulators of cellular reactions. Vitamin B6 is part of gluconeogenesis in the hormone modulation and gene expression as basis of life.
It is important to pay greater attention to the digestive system, not only to digest food, but also to assimilate it correctly. Carob is used by intestinal bacteria, which produce nutrients for enterocytes: by proliferating, they increase the absorption and compactness of the stool.
Sensitivity is typical in skin, which is exposed to the external environment as a barrier. Vitamin A ensures cell turnover. Biotin promotes homeostasis of skin and coat. Zinc is essential in rapidly dividing skin cells. Copper contributes to the formation of the pigment that colours the hair.
Tonic – High Energy
Dogs have high resistance to oxidative metabolism. The energetic lifestyle is linked to sporting activity. Vitamin B5 serves to use glucose and fats. Vitamin B9 and B12 are important for red blood cells. Iron is a component of haemoglobin which carries oxygen to cells.
Longevity depends on lifestyle. Reducing calories consumed extends the life expectancy of dogs and reduces the risk of many diseases, including diabetes and osteoarthritis. Vitamin E and C act synergistically as antioxidants and selenium is a component of the defences against free radicals.
Some dogs love tailor made snacks, with ergonomic shapes and sizes, fitting exactly with the size of their jaws.
Some dogs love multi-flavour snacks to delight them with pleasant sensations for their palate, as a tender caress.
Some dogs are always looking for fun and they can be extremely rewarded by naturally produced snacks, because health is a primary concern.
Unica Classe products range
Choose the first-class physiological nutrition based on the size of your dog.
Dogs from 2 to 10 kg
Small size
Dry food - growth condition
Dry food - maintenance condition
Wet food
dry food - activity condition
Snack dental care condition
Dogs from 10 to 25 kg
Medium Size
Dry food - maintenance condition
Wet food
Snack dental care condition
Dogs from 25 to 80 kg
Large Size
Dry food - maintenance condition
Wet food
Snack Dental Care e Snack Dental Clean Condition
Dogs from 2/10 to 60 kg
All Breeds
Dry food - growth condition
Dry food - activity condition
Dry food - special care condition
Snack Training Condition
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Via Comuna Santuario, 1 - 46035 Ostiglia, Mantova - Phone: 0386 32 677 - Email: info@gheda.it
Reg. Imp. MN, Cod. Fisc. and VAT number: 01402600207 - R.E.A. MN nr. 157099 - Fully paid up share capital: € 77.500,00 i.v.
© 2025 Gheda Mangimi s.r.l. All rights reserved - Terms and conditions of use - Privacy policy - This site uses only technical cookies, as indicated in the Cookie Policy - Credits: 045WEB
Italian version
Via Comuna Santuario, 1 46035 Ostiglia, Mantova
Phone: 0386 32 677 - Email: info@gheda.it
Reg. Imp. MN, Cod. Fisc. e VAT number: 01402600207
R.E.A. MN nr. 157099 - Fully paid up share capital: € 77.500,00 i.v.
© 2025 Gheda Mangimi s.r.l. - All rights reserved
Terms and conditions of use - Privacy policy - This site uses only technical cookies, as indicated in theCookie Policy
Credits: 045WEB
Italian version