The eating habits of neophobic or neophilic cats

We remind you that there is nothing as damaging as a stereotypical diet: many subjects refuse any food that is not fresh meat or liver or croquettes. It’s not good to believe to this caprice; it is harmful for the health of cat, that knows how to take advantage of the human weaknesses.
We therefore advise not to be indulgent and to impose a rational nutrition, making sure that the food is fresh and at room temperature (cats have a very fine sense of smell). We will certainly call the vet if the cat declines/has some problems, appears lethargic or has no appetite (remembering that the cats in heat often refuse food to have an excellent health). We remember that cats are carnivore. Their diet is made of meat or fish, and unlike dogs, they don’t like too high meat.
They need a high amount of proteins with high biological value and of those nutrients that they cannot synthesize. Cats taste small amounts, splitting the daily meal in many snacks, several times a day, as suggested by his nature, as a predator that used to hunt several times a day small preys of small energy value. Cats agile and fast animals who really like to play and explore. Despite this they spend almost 90% of the day sleeping, even if their metabolism is very active and for this reason you need to feed them with foods rich in proteins and fats. Leave always a bowl of fresh water available for them. In nature, cats are occasional eaters and can survive long without food, while they cannot tolerate a shortage of water.
For neophilic cats, if you establish a well balanced diet, it is irrelevant if it is monotonous. Not only it is not necessary to vary the menu ( it is an anthropomorphic concern), on the opposite you risk to cause a neophilia response, which means a reticence to the old food. Cats are routine animals and tend to become neophobic in their nutrition, so it is advisable to accustom them since they are small to different types of diet in order to avoid that they don’t eat what is not familiar.
For the same reason it is good to distribute meals at regular times and wash the bowls with a mild scent (it happens that a cat refuses a food that he has always eaten just because you have changed the detergent).
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