How to transport an injured animal?

The correct transport of the injured animal is of great importance as incorrect and reckless movements could create injuries or aggravate those already present.

The best method is to use a stretcher. It can be built extemporaneously using a rug, jacket, or golf.

The animal should be placed with caution, paying particular attention to avoid sudden movements to the spine, on the rudimentary stretcher that must be lifted from all four ends at the same time.

Another excellent transport can be any rigid support such as a wooden or cardboard board on which to slowly slide the animal. If nothing is available and there is no help, the injured animal must be carried. If it is small, one arm should be placed around the neck and the other under the chest, taking care not to crush the wounds (if the lesion is on the chest, the latter should not be compressed). Cats should be wrapped in a blanket or towel to prevent them from unravelling.
If it is a large dog, it is ideal to gird it with your arms, before the height of the shoulder blades and back around the thighs.

 First Aid